You have a command of the facts and law of your case. Working together, we’ll apply expert design to help bring vision to your case and present it clearly. We know that technology is only a conduit for your story. However, to tell your story effectively in today’s multimedia world, dynamic courtroom technology is essential to hold the attention of the fact finder and communicate the message with maximum impact. DEG is responsible for the development of persuasive multimedia presentations, essential to presenting an effective case to a judge, jury or arbiter. The DEG team has built a tested platform for designing and organizing visual exhibits, which translates into consistent and successful litigation evidence management for courtroom presentations.


Today’s Fact Finders Receive Information Through All Kinds of Multimedia
  • Fact finders learn and retain more information when graphics are utilized
  • A dynamic presentation holds the attention of today’s media savvy fact finder
  • While the jury may hear the evidence, and see the evidence, you need the jury to UNDERSTAND the evidence
Trial Graphics Reduce a Complex Concept to a Simple Image
  • Individual jurors listening to complex oral testimony will create their own vision
  • Trial graphics enable you to leave the jury with a unified, dominant image that you choose
  • What image do you want the jury to remember
Numerous Media Options for Communicating Your Message
  • PowerPoint, animations (including 3-D), graphic arts strategy and theme development
  • Video compilations and editing
  • Deposition testimony video clips
  • On-site trial graphic support personnel with extensive knowledge and experience